Eurasier Health
The Eurasier is generally considered to be a relatively healthy breed. The average lifespan for a Eurasier is 12-14 years, though it is not uncommon to hear of Eurasiers who live even longer.
Nevertheless, due to the nature of the Eurasier’s origins, there are a few inheritable health conditions that can manifest. The heritability of these conditions cannot be directly determined via DNA testing, but some can be screened for in breeding dogs. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of heritable health conditions - it just contains some of the conditions that have cropped up in various lines.
Health testing plays a vital part in understanding the state of health of the Eurasier population in the United States. It is extremely important that as many dogs as possible (not just the ones who are going to be bred) are health tested in order for us to be able to obtain a holistic view of the health of the current and future population of Eurasiers in the United States.
Eurasiers must complete their health testing prior to being bred. This may not prevent or preclude individual dogs from developing certain health conditions over the course of their life, but with time we hope that these diligent efforts by our member breeders will continue to preserve the overall health of the breed for years to come. For more detailed information regarding health testing including acceptable test results for breeding, please consult USEC Policy 1, Breeding Guidelines.

(Updated 08/2022v2)